Window Treatments – Interior Decorating Photo Week – Day Six
Here is day six – today’s photo focus is Window Treatments. After the success of our Color Photo Week, here we go again, this time it’s Interior Decorating Photo Week. I enjoy sourcing the photos for you. I hope they provide a some inspiration for your work.
Please feel free to make comments, we would love to hear what you think, and of course as we are ramping up our Pinterest account – please share there too. If you love Pinterest like we do, try using Tailwind, it’s a great way to post and manage all your Pins, try Tailwind now .
Window Treatments – Traditional Style
Image credit – Francisco De Legarreta C.
With such a large expanse of windows, careful consideration has been taken here so that the natural light can still come in through the net curtains and you can still see the ornate windows behind. The decorative cornice at the junction between the ceiling and the wall leads to a heavy swag and tail valance with fringing. Imagine if the curtains where the tails come down were of the same fabric – how would this make the room feel? It would close it in and reduce the natural light and ability to see the window frames. The choice of a sheer fabric for the curtains allows the room to appear light and airy in modern times using a traditional style. A good combination for modern living.
Exterior Shutters
Exterior Shutters add color and texture to this building as well as blocking the light and allowing ventilation. Timber shutters protect against the sun and heat in summer and the wind and cold in winter. They are adjustable to allow air to enter inside. You can use them to control how much light comes inside when they are closed as the slats can also be adjusted. They are easy to look after, they just need to be kept dust and dirt free, painted or coated as manufactures maintenance requires and will probably last longer than having curtains on the inside of your window. I love how the Chinese lanterns passing by are the same color as the shutters – that’s probably what caught my eye first in this photo.
Timber Slat Blinds
I really like how the view is depicted in this photo. These wide timber slat blinds allow for a room with a view. Allowing light to come in and you can adjust to suit where the sun is positioned. When shut they allow total privacy. These are becoming more popular as they look smart and keep the window looking uncluttered, perfect for a modern interior.
Window Treatments – Contemporary Style
These contemporary curtains are simple and are hung from the top of the wall, accentuating the height of the room and making the windows look larger than they really are. The color is a shade darker than the wall with a subtle vertical white strip, this also helps create height to the room. They are mostly decorative as the roman blinds on the window frames will be what blocks the sun during the day if needed and keeps in the heat at night. A great example of how curtains can be used to create an illusion and are a wonderful tool for Interior Designers.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at the Window Treatment photos to give you some design inspiration. More great photos, ideas and inspiration tomorrow. You can see Day One Lamps, Day Two Exterior Decorating, Day Three Contemporary Decorating, Day Four Traditional Decorating, Day Five Furniture.
We have a new Interior Decorating Course available, that’s why we are providing you with Interior Decorating week, to get you thinking about what you know and what you may need to learn! As this post has been focused on Window Treatments – we also have a course on Curtain Design, check it out for yourself. Curtain Design Online Course.
If you want to learn more about how to improve your interior decorating skills, either for your own home, to become an Interior Decorator or to work in retail in the interior design field then this course will be ideal for you, providing a good range of new skills that you can learn anywhere anytime on your smartphone, tablet or PC.
You can find out more at Willow College’s Interior Decorating Course
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