Interior Decorating Photo Week – Day Four – Traditional Interiors
After the success of our Color Photo Week, here we go again, this time it’s Interior Decorating Photo Week. I have a lot of fun finding the photos for you. I hope they provide a little inspiration for your work. Here is day four – today’s photo focus is Traditional Interiors.
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Traditional Interiors
Now it’s time to sit back and look at some traditional decorating images, observe and use them for your design inspiration.
A restored church, beautiful timber construction, exposed for all to view. Simple unadorned timber furniture used so it doesn’t distract from the ornate detailing of the exiting timber work in the space. It appears to have a new timber floor. I would have loved to have seen what was there before. What do you think it would have been? Please leave a comment with your ideas.
This interior has used traditional forms like the shape of the armchair, the side table, the lamps and the library ladder, but they are made from contemporary materials and have been simplified. This interior has a classic look of past times but is functional for todays way of living.
Photo Credit Michael D Beckwith
The detail in this ceiling is amazing, imagine how long it would have taken to build, then decorate with the gilding. It really is a show stopper. The lighting is prolific in this space, a lot more than I believe they would have had originally. Wonderfully dressed curtains framing the windows and the view. The sheer size of the carpet on the floor is mind blowing. I love the color of the walls, the soft French Green creates a sense of calm in such a highly decorated dining room.
There are a lot of things to consider when you are decorating a traditional room. The sheer scale means that you need to be very aware of the height and scale of the furniture and decorations. Look at the size of the painting over the fireplace. Everything in this room tells a story, that’s what I love about traditional interiors. You can look at them for hours and always find something new to look at and bewilder over. The ceiling tells a story on its’ own, the soft flowing detail of the plasterwork.
Photo Credit Toa Heftiba
I have mostly shown Western forms of traditional decorating, so I though I would add some variety. This Eastern traditional space has the familiar tiling that has been used for centuries. The boldness of color in the seat furnishings and simplicity and functionality of the room design suggests a space that can be used for multiple purposes. I would like some comments on this space and what you think it is used for. Thanks.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at the traditional decorating photos to give you some design inspiration. More great photos, ideas and inspiration tomorrow. You can see Day One Lamps and Day Two Exterior Decorating.
Day Three Contemporary Decorating.
We have a new Interior Decorating Course available, that’s why we are providing you with Interior Decorating week, to get you thinking about what you know and what you may need to learn!
If you want to learn more about how to improve your interior decorating skills, either for your own home, to become an Interior Decorator or to work in retail in the interior design field then this course will be ideal for you providing a good range of new skills.
You can find out more at Interior Decorating Course