Exterior Decorating
Interior Decorating Photo Week? This time it’s for Exteriors!
Don’t forget about exterior decorating. After the success of our Color Photo Week, I thought I would continue. I really enjoy searching out the photos for you and I hope they provide a little inspiration for your work. Here is day two – today’s photo focus is Exterior Decorating.
Please feel free to make comments, we would love to hear what you think, and of course, as we are ramping up our Pinterest account – please share there too. If you love Pinterest as we do, try using Tailwind, it’s a great way to post and manage all your Pins, try Tailwind now.
Examples of Exterior Decorating for Inspiration
Now it’s time to sit back and appreciate Exterior Decorating.
Sometimes all it takes to make a great exterior is a splash of color. This exterior facade is flat with little architectural merit. By using bold color, the designer has created focal points to highlight the entrance and frame the garden taking your eye away from the large expanse of the flat mint green wall.
This is just amazing – wouldn’t it be great to see this as you walk past a large expanse of brick wall in the city. It creates interest and shows that the building owner has an appreciation for an extremely talented artist.
The use of tile on this exterior façade softens the look by adding color and texture. The tile has worn over time and the weathered patina adds a sense of a traditional old building standing the test of time.
Photo Credit
Evelyn Paris
The attention to detail in the exterior creates a classic traditional entrance. Black wrought iron fence leading up to a white plastered balustrade with a black handrail. The black and white checkered tiles lead you into the solid black door well which is balanced between to wrought iron lamps. A very well decorated exterior color scheme.
Its always great to see buildings decorated to a style, this building facade has Art Deco Influences and the color scheme chosen is a Miami Art Deco scheme which used bold pastel colors. The palms at the front consolidate the style.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at the exterior photos to give you some decorating inspiration. More great photos, ideas, and inspiration tomorrow.
We have a new Interior Decorating Course available, that’s why we are providing you with Interior Decorating week, to get you thinking about what you know and what you may need to learn!
If you want to learn more about how to improve your interior decorating skills, either for your own home, to become an Interior Decorator, or to work in retail in the interior design field then this course will be ideal for you providing a good range of new skills for you. Learn in your own time with small 3 minute lessons on your smartphone, tablet or PC. Anywhere anytime.
You can find out more at Interior Decorating Course
Thanks for visiting this page and sharing our pictures – another hint if you haven’t already. More great Interior Decorating photos tomorrow. Here is the link to yesterday’s photos Day One Lamps.
If you love Pinterest as we do, try using Tailwind, it’s a great way to post and manage all your Pins, try Tailwind now.
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