Don’t Group Your Color in One Place – Interior Design Tip

As much as we love color and want to put it everywhere in our homes, it pays to think about how you group your color. That is because our eyes love to see color but not in one place only, we prefer color symmetrical placed, or in a triangle form. Our eyes like to see color balanced. Now that I have told you this take a look at the video and the photos below and you will begin to understand what I am talking about. If you want to create a feature or focal point then a color block works well but otherwise you shouldn’t group it all in one place.

Watch Lee Brown from provide an interior design tip about how to group color. Please subscribe to WillowCollege’s Youtube channel so you don’t miss the other great interior design tips we have.

Group Your Color Symmetrically

Group Your Color in a Symmetrical Form

In this interior, the blue and white stripes on the sofa are symmetrically placed and pleasing on the eye, and the red is also placed at both ends of the room, the lamp and the “V” sign. Then there is red and blue included in the painting above the fireplace in the center of the room. This room is calm and welcoming based on how the color is grouped.

Don't Group Your Color

“Don’t Group your color or pattern in one area, spread it evenly around the room, this creates a harmonious feel.” –

Color Blocking

Color Blocking with some Subtle Additions

A large block of color on the wall with the same color chair and a dash of the same color in the floor rug. Strong color but dispersed with some subtle additions of chair and floor rug.

Terracotta colors

A Touch of Terracotta

Color doesn’t have to be strong but when you “dot” it around – boy does it make a difference. Imagine this room without the cushions and terracotta pot? Not so welcoming. The wall color is a more subtle form of terracotta, but by adding a strong terracotta color in a highlight of the cushion pattern makes such a dramatic difference.

Muted Color Grouping

Muted Color Grouping

Pink and Aqua highlights spread around the room. As the colors are muted, the effect is not so dramatic, but it’s very easy on the eye making it feel welcoming and well balanced. There is the element of contrast as the walls are a darker color and the lighter furniture becomes the highlight. Love the solid timber floor boards!

Color Blocking

Color Blocking

Sometimes we can get away with using a color in one area. Here is a splash of orange – but not too much, it’s just right. If it was the whole wall it would look too overwhelming due to the strength of the color.

Rich warm colors

Mix and Match Group Your Color, Pattern and Texture

You gotta love this color grouping. Rich tones and the grouping of cushions with texture and pattern, and the paintings. Simple bed linen and a textured floor rug with a touch of the warm coffee color of the walls, then the blue bedhead is tying in with the paintings. Well balanced design making for a fabulous bedroom!

Mix it up! Loving the lanterns.

Mixing Up Color – How close do we Group Your Color?

Interior design skills are used for exteriors as well as interiors. This funky lantern design has a mix up of color which makes it fun and enchanting. How would it look if it was just rows of color or blocks of color? Not so hot! My randomly mixing up the color it becomes a more relaxed feature of colored lanterns. If it were grouped by color then you would lose the creative randomness that has been created by how they have been hung with no color pattern.

How many colors are to many?

How Many Colors are Too Many?

This color scheme is essentially a primary color scheme according to the window glass color but then when you look at the chairs…… where did the secondary color orange come from? How many colors do we need? To explore how may colors is too many?

I hope you enjoyed this brief look at color.  See more Interior Design Tips

If you love color and want to discover how you can create a room like a professional, then has an Online Color for Interiors Course for you, see what it’s all about today.

If you are already a whiz at color and would like to make a career using your color skills then has a course for you too.
Take a look at How to Become A Successful Color Consultant in 12 weeks today. It’s so easy, weekly tasks to set up your business and increase your color skills to get you into the world of Color Consulting and put your love of color and your skills to work for creating beautiful interiors and money for your pocket. it’s a win win situation!

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